CC Shorts with Andy Thibodeau

CC Shorts with Andy Thibodeau

#87 - What's would you do if your ability to do your job disappeared overnight? How would you react? 

That's a question Andy Thibodeau wrestled with in March 2020 when Covid-19 shut down his career as a public speaker. As a 25+ year veteran of the industry, this was the only job Andy had ever really known and in the span of 48 hours, 31 bookings cancelled and his ability to make an income evaporated.

As Andy struggled with this new reality and the recognition that he was a people person who could no longer be around people, he visited a friend one last time before we headed into lockdown. Something that friend said gave him the mental slap he needed to act and less then 5 days later Andy had a new job lined up to provided him with both the income he needed, and the interaction with others that he craved. 

Hear about Andy's career crossroad on this week's CC Shorts episode.


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The below transcript is A.I generated with light editing and may not be 100% accurate.