Review Career Crossroads and Raise Money for Chefs For Ukraine

Review Career Crossroads and Raise Money for Chefs For Ukraine

Welcome to the Career Crossroads blog. I've never made a blog post on this website before but this seems like a worthwhile reason to do so. This post isn't strictly career-related but it is about the podcast and how it can be a useful platform to do some good in the world.

I've been following the war in Ukraine rather closely, wondering to myself if there is anything I as an individual can do to help. Then last weekend I opened an email I received and suddenly an opportunity appeared.

Each year in April, Podchaser (think IMDB for podcasts) runs its annual Reviews4Good event where they donate 25 cents for every review of any podcast left on their website. This year the funds are being given to the World Central Kitchen to support their #ChefsForUkraine program which is providing meals to people fleeing the conflict in Ukraine.

The Chefs For Ukraine program has served over 1 million meals to those in need so far, and I’m trying to help them serve many more. On the one hand, I have a podcast that people can review, meaning money can be raised 25 cents at a time. On the other, I have the opportunity to increase that donation by replying to those reviews. As a podcast creator, for every review of my podcast that I respond to, Podchaser will double their donation to 50 cents. Additionally, my podcast host Buzzsprout will then match that donation making every review for Career Crossroads the equivalent of a $1 donation to the #ChefsForUkraine program.

I want to encourage people to get involved in this initiative and help spread the word, so I'll be matching all donations up to $250. Help me double that amount by leaving a review. Click here to find the Career Crossroads page on Podchaser and scroll down to the Reviews section. Click 'Add Review' and type to your heart's content. You'll have to create an account to post, but once you've done that, spend some time reviewing other podcasts you listen to and help raise even more money!

Thanks for your support.